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Agricultural Biotechnology: to alter living organisms to produce products beneficial to agricultural uses, including selective breeding. Modern Biotechnology involves the science of genetic engineering. 


Alternative mRNA splicing: production of various proteins from one gene. Products include involving or removing exons to form final transcripts


Antibiotic: substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria 


Artificial Insemination: to manually insert semen inside the reproductive tract of a female for safety and efficiency


Artificial selection: choosing particular animals to breed for their desirable traits



Bacterium: unicellular microorganisms that lack a nucleus and organelles


Bioethics: study of controversial topics 


Breed: a group of specific organisms that distinguish them from the member of the same species



Chromosome: threadlike structure of nucleic acids and proteins found in the nucleus of a cell


Clone: identical genetic copy of an organism



Donor: an organism that is responsible for donating a cell, organ, etc.




Embryo: an organism in its early stage of development. Used for a variety of techniques: SCNT, transgenic organisms, cloning, etc.




Fertilization: the union of a sperm and egg to form an early stage organism; zygote



Gene: located on the chromosome, encodes for a specific protein; functional unit of hereditary


Genome: The entire set of genes that create an organism


Genetic engineering: Altering an organism’s characteristics by genetically modifying its genetic material


GMO: abbreviation for genetically modified organism




Host: an organism, in which another microorganism such as a parasite resides



Linkage map: reveals any linkage groups; genes that are inherited together during meiosis




Mapping: to determine the location of a specific gene by observing images of chromosomes


Microbe: A microorganism


Microinjection: to inject a micro amount of liquid substance via a micropipette


Molecular Biology: the study of molecules and their interactions and relations to other biology subjects


Molecular Cloning: using molecular biology to experiment with and replicate DNA molecules


mRNA: Messenger RNA


Mutation: A change in the genetic sequence of an organism; may or may not yield phenotype results



Nucleotide: subunits of DNA



Pathogen: bacteria, virus, or any other organism responsible for causing infectious diseases among other organisms


Phenotype: results of gene alleles that are observable


Plasmids: is a circular DNA molecule capable of replication; transfer genes between bacteria




Recombinant DNA: involves fragmenting and combing genes in such a manner that the isolated genes differ in both structure and function


Restriction enzyme: an enzyme responsible for cutting DNA at specific sites


Retrovirus: Viruses that replicate themselves within a host organism



SCNT: somatic nuclear transfer


Somatic cell: any cell in the body that does not include germ (reproductive) cells




Transgenic animals: an organism that has been genetically altered or manipulated with a foreign gene of another animal



Vaccine: the induction of dead or weakened pathogens so as to produce antibodies against the specific disease


Virus: a nonliving particle, that relies on its host for replication



Yield: the amount of agriculture product in a season; can be measured in pounds, kilograms, or metric tons

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